Friday, April 22, 2011

Chapter 3 response

Matthew Ranker
I found this chapter informational and it opened my eyes to the multifaceted themes of digital art. I thought it was awesome that this chapter discussed, telepresence, database aesthetics, mapping, data visualization, activism, tactical media, gamming, social networks, virtual worlds and hypermedia environments. It was almost enough to make my head spin. This chapter really opened my mind up to all the possible routes I can take with my art. There are so many possibilities to express individualism in the digital world. With all these potential directions in mind I plan to move forward in a direction that is unique to me. I plan to incorporate as many digital aspects as I can to move onward with my own ideals of beauty and expression.
To be honest I think this chapter could have had a lot more examples of the areas discussed. I felt that I got a good grasp of what was being discussed. But I felt like there could have been more models, pictures and demonstrative examples to convey how to harness the digital world to improve ones own work. I also felt that the book could have gone more in depth with their definitions. This would have increased my understanding of the digital themes brought up in this chapter.
Another critique I have on this chapter is centered on the lack of artists shown. I believe more examples of artists and their work would have deepened my understanding. I wish I could have seen more artists that work within these realms of digital art. There could have been many more artists represented in this particular chapter. I feel like I would have looked up more artists to gain a more developed understanding of how I would like to create my own work on a computer. Besides that I feel like this was the more informational chapter I have come across yet in the book.

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