Friday, April 22, 2011

Chapter 2 Response

Matthew ranker
I thought it was interesting how chapter 2 defines digital art. The book says that digital art uses the digital platform from production to presentation. I think this definition is a good way to explain digital art, but I believe there are some loopholes in that definition. A lot of digital art starts with an individual creating something without a computer. Some artists draw or paint and scan their images into a computer and from there they create the digital aesthetic.
It was also interesting that the book explained how technology is constantly evolving and progressing. This really changed my view on the digital art realm. Now I view this medium as quite possibly the quintessential future of art as we know it, and in a way it already has become that. Computers are only becoming more and more advanced, and after reading chapter 2 I believe that the art has to progress in a parallel fashion.

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