Friday, March 4, 2011

Burning Witch

1 comment:

  1. For this project i wanted to fabricate a good ol' fashion witch burning. I combined a total of 5 images for this piece. i wanted to incorporate images that would not be found in a witch burning. The first image I added is from Gustave Dore and it's the man holding his own head toward the front left. I had to use the clone stamp around his beard to smoothly blend the illustration to the original background. There is skeleton imagery in the original picture but i wanted to add a huge skeleton to add a mystical aspect. For this image I used the clone stamp between his ribs to make the image more defined. On the far left I incorporated a Native American totem pole to add to the chaos of the scene. Next i put in a Siberian Shaman toward the front. I covered his drum head with an horoscope diagram to add more of a fabricated medium. that concludes what i did to fabricate this image.
